Do not let Myopia slow your child’s progress

Let’s manage
Childhood Myopia

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Facts about Myopia

The risk of Myopia in children increases by 3X times when both parents are Myopic<sup>1</sup>.

The risk of Myopia in children increases by 3X times when both parents are Myopic1.

In India, more than 40% of young population is at risk of developing Myopia<sup>2</sup>.

In India, more than 40% of young population is at risk of developing Myopia2.

50% of the world’s population will be Myopic by 2050<sup>3</sup>.

50% of the world’s population will be Myopic by 20503.

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Know from the Experts

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What is Myopia?

What is Myopia?

Myopia or near-sightedness, means that the child can see close things clearly but has trouble seeing things far away. It happens because the eyeball is slightly longer than normal from front to back, causing light rays to form images in front of the retina4.

Do you know Myopia can be progressive?

Yes, the severity of myopia increases in childhood, leading to the progression of Myopia. It is a condition wherein the vision of the child keeps on declining as they grow into adolescence3.

Know More
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The incidence of Myopia
is increasing and it is
estimated that

The incidence of Myopia <br> is increasing and it is<br> estimated that of the world’s
population will be

Myopic by


Children are getting Myopic at an earlier age.<sup>5</sup>

Children are getting Myopic at an earlier age.5

Rapid progression leads to higher levels of Myopia.<sup>5</sup>

Rapid progression leads to higher levels of Myopia.5

Early onset leads to rapid Progressive Myopia.<sup>5</sup>

Early onset leads to rapid Progressive Myopia.5

Higher levels of Myopia increases risk of progressive Myopic disease.<sup>5</sup>

Higher levels of Myopia increases risk of progressive Myopic disease.5

Know what it's like to
have Progressive

Move the slider along the scale to see how vision without spectacles or contact lenses as near-sightedness increases.

Slider showing scale of progressive myopia with normal classroom image
Prescription (Dioptres)
  • 0
  • - 1
  • - 2
  • - 3
  • - 4
  • - 5
  • - 6

Disclaimer : Consult an eye care specialist for suggestions and more details on short-sightedness.
The Vision Simulator should only be used for informational purposes; it does not constitute advise.
The images presented are artistic interpretations of short-sightedness as experienced
without spectacles or contact lenses.

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Lifestyle causes and risk factors of Myopia and its progression

Increased screen time

Increased screen time

Children using screens for > 3 hours per day are at
4x increased risk of nearsightedness

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle

Children with sedentary lifestyles were at
3x increased risk of nearsightedness

Outdoor time

Outdoor time

Children who spent < 1 hour outdoors per day were at
5x increased risk of developing nearsightedness

Some of the signs and symptoms

According to United Nations data, countries where Myopia prevalence was estimated and measured as low in the past, such as India, will have major increases by 20503,8.

Squinting eyes

Squinting eyes

Lack of interest in outdoor games

Lack of interest in outdoor games

Rubbing eyes

Rubbing eyes

Trouble reading words on a chalkboard at school

Trouble reading words on a chalkboard at school

Holds books or toys close to their eyes

Holds books or toys close to their eyes

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Lifestyle changes to slow down the progression of Myopia9

The immediate thing you can do is limit your child's screen time and ensure more hours are spent outdoors. During the growth spurts of the pre-teen and teen years, Myopia can worsen. Thus, reduction of
visual stress becomes important.

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