Nourishing Your Eyes: Healthy Foods for Eyes to Consider

April 11, 2023
Nourishing Your Eyes: Healthy Foods for Eyes to Consider

What you eat can affect what and how you see. Because researchers have found a relation between food habits and vision and health of eyes. Our eyes rely on nutrients from the foods we eat to maintain vital eye tissues and functions. Nutrition is especially essential to your child’s vision as their eyes grow and develop.1,2,3

Some food items are found to be helpful in keeping your eyes healthy. Some studies suggest that diet rich in certain antioxidant vitamins and minerals help to reduce risk of some diseases of the eyes like cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 1

Vitamin A, C and E, mineral zinc and omega 3 fatty acids are the ones to be included in your diet for healthy eyes.

Now let’s learn about them in detail.

Vitamin A

Also known as retinol. We all need to have enough of the antioxidant vitamin A in our diet to maintain the surface of eyes and ealthy vision.3 Beta carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids found in the retina, and dietary intake of these compounds has been shown to have antioxidant properties and to improve pigment density in the macula.1,4 This pigment protects the cells in the macular area by absorbing excess blue and ultraviolet light and neutralizing free radicals.3,4 Vitamin A is also found to prevent dry eyes.2 Following are the food items to be considered to include in diet which are rich in Vitamin A – in vegetables carrots, sweet potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, corn, peas, red and orange coloured veggies and fruits like bell peppers, tomatoes, papaya, pumpkin, mango, apricot etc. and in animal sources oily fish, liver and egg yolk is found to be rich in vitamin A and lutein and zeaxanthin. Deficiency of vitamin A can lead to night-blindness.1,2,3

Vitamin C1,2

Vitamin C is critical to eye health. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps protect the body from damage caused by dietary and environmental factors. The best source of vitamin C is fresh citrus fruits and vegetables. Fruits like Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, along with oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, strawberries, broccoli etc. They will suffice the need of this important vitamin not only for eyes but for the whole body.

Vitamin E1,2

Protects cells in the eyes from free radicals, which break down healthy tissue. Good food sources of Vitamin E include vegetable oils and seeds like sunflower seeds and oil, corn, nuts like almond, avocado, peanuts and sweet potatoes and some animal products like meat and poultry.

Omega-3 fatty acids 1

These are important for proper visual development and retinal function. Studies suggest that getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in the diet is essential for optimal visual development. Usually, fishes are considered to be rich sources and can help reduce inflammation, enhance tear production and support the eye’s oily outer layer. The other dietary sources include flax seeds, walnuts etc.


The last but not the least is the Zinc. The mineral zinc helps keep the retina healthy and may protect your eyes from the damaging effects of light. Zinc plays a vital role in bringing vitamin A from the liver to the retina in order to produce melanin, a protective pigment in the eyes. Impaired vision, poor night vision and cloudy cataracts, has been linked to zinc deficiency. You can rely on beans, legumes, chicken, oysters and other shellfish like crab, shrimp etc., and nuts and seeds for your dietary need of zinc.

Though eating right food is the best way to get healthy eyes, if you feel your diet is deficient in these essential nutrients you can fortify it with supplements.

Along with these above discussed nutrients some habits need to be followed. Hydrate yourself well with sufficient water intake daily. Avoid excessive intake of caffeinated colas and alcohol. Stopping smoking is also important aspect in maintaining your eye health.

So, start eating well now to benefit your vision and health for rest of your life!